Arlington Baptist University exists to engage, equip, and empower authentic biblical Christ-followers.
All ABU students are students of the Bible and seek to form healthy spiritual disciplines to sustain a flourishing life of becoming more like Christ. ABU is building world changers through Christian Education. Christians can only change the world by knowing and applying the Word of God in the varied contexts of their study and vocation. Whether you desire to prepare for full-time vocational ministry or a career in business or education, the programs and faculty of ABU are here to engage, equip, and empower you as you work toward an undergraduate degree.

School of Ministry Leadership
Department Chair - Dr. Brady Blevins
Pastoral Ministry
Student Ministry
Intercultural Studies
Biblical Counseling
Music & Worship
Children's Ministry
School of Business
Department Chair - Dr. KeToya Lacey
Business Studies
Business Studies/Sports Management
School of Education
Department Chair - Michele Pruitt
EC-6 Core Subjects
EC-12 Music
English/Language Arts 4-8
English/Language Arts 7-12
Science 4-8
Social Studies 4-8
Social Studies 7-12
History 7-12
Bible/Biblical Counseling
Bible/Music and Worship Ministry
Bible/Children's Ministry
Youth Ministry
Bachelor of Science - Intercultural Studies
Bible/Pastoral Ministry
Online Bachelor of Science - Bible Studies
Business/Sports Management Interdisciplinary
Bible/4th-8th English, Language Arts and Reading
​Bible/4th-8th Science
Bible/4th-8th Social Studies
Bible/7th-12th English, Language Arts and Reading
Bible/7th-12th History
Bible/7th-12th Social Studies
​Bible/Core Subjects EC-6th
Bible/4th-8th English, Language Arts and Reading
Bible/4th-8th Science
Bible/4th-8th Social Studies
Bible/7th-12th English, Language Arts and Reading
Bible/7th-12th History
Bible/7th-12th Social Studies
Bible/Core Subjects EC-6th
Bible/Music Education
Bible/Student Ministries
Bible/Sports Ministry
Bible/Interdisciplinary Studies
Degree Completion Online
Bible/Interdisciplinary Studies
Degree Completion Online
Bible/Interdisciplinary Studies