
Student Life

Resident Life

Resident life is generally based on the concept of community, in which a group of individuals with shared values live in close proximity and interact with each other on a daily basis. At Arlington Baptist University, our dormitory life is based upon Christian principles. ABU holds high standards of morality, ethics, and practice based upon Biblical principles.

Click HERE for the ABU Dormitory Handbook


  • To provide a distinctively Christian residential environment that supports and encourages academic achievement and individual maturity.
  • To create a home-like atmosphere that will personalize, as much as possible, the opportunities offered at the university.
  • To provide opportunity to engage in activities that will contribute to the spiritual, academic, cultural, social, and physical development of the residents.
  • To cultivate a better understanding of democracy, which helps the student to:
    • Learn leadership skills
    • Cooperate with others
    • Respect the rights of others
    • Learn to Biblically submit to authority
  • To encourage companionship and fellowship among students

Constitution Day and Citizenship Day

In accordance with the United States Department of Education, and in partial fulfillment of Title IV and HEA programs, Arlington Baptist University will observe “Constitution Day” on September 17 of each year.  In the event this date falls on a weekend, this special day will be observed the following Monday.  Various activities will take place to both inform students and employees of the nature and purpose of this day and to celebrate “Constitution Day”.  Such activities include:  reciting fascinating facts about the Constitution, its founding, and its founders; presenting video series related to our American heritage and the Biblical foundations of the Constitution; conducting a flag ceremony; recitation of the pledge and singing patriotic songs; identifying the author of famous quotes; providing patriotic tee shirts; and conducting contests related to the themes associated with Constitution Day.

Voter Registration

Voter Registration cards (applications) will be distributed in New Student Orientation at the beginning of each fall and spring semester.  These cards will also be a part of the registration packet made available through academic advisors during registration each fall, spring and summer sessions.  The college website provides a link to voter registration and application information.  Registration forms will also be available for pickup at the library, the registrar’s office, and the financial aid office.